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The Brain Science of Agile

Our mission is to empower people, groups, and entire organizations with the practical tools to quickly improve resilience, adaptability, and fearlessness in a rapidly changing world.

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Niraj Nijhawan, M.D.

Founder & CEO

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Dr. Niraj (Raj) Nijhawan is a practicing physician. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin Medical School in 1992, and completed a medical residency in Anesthesiology/Critical Care. Dr. Nijhawan received a National Institute of Health Scientist Training Grant where he acquired a Master’s Degree in clinical research. He has spent nearly 30 years cataloging, practicing. teaching, and helping people integrate the latest knowledge from the realms of medical, social, and neuroscience into their lives.


Brain Optimization Workshops and Training

The LEO program is fully based on medical evidence and has been proven to work for all groups that have taken the workshop.


Interested in a LEO workshop or training for your group?


Connect with us for a free 15 minute consultation!

Workshops & Training

The LEO Program has a variety of flexible workshops and training options available for any type of group including executives, corporate employees, athletes, government agencies, healthcare professionals, at-risk youth and school systems.


Clients Recommend

Michelle M.

“Dr.Raj is a must for any organization. His eye-opening, perspective-changing, scientific content inspires young and old alike.”

Moira K.

"Dr. Raj is incredibly passionate and knowledgeable about brain science and how to apply practical tools and practices to activate your Higher Brain, resulting in increased happiness and effectiveness."

Laura G.

“Dr. Raj delivered a scientific, research-based, and enthusiastic approach that won the audience over.”


LEO Program Workshop Sample

LEO Program Workshop Sample
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Sample Vid

Empowering Minds for a Better Tomorrow

Unleashing the power of brain science, the Life Ecology Organization (LEO) creates dynamic strategies for personal and professional growth.

Join us on our journey to promote resilience, innovation, and agility in an ever-evolving world.

About The LEO Program and Our Story

The Life Ecology Organization (LEO) was founded in 2014 by Dr. Niraj (Raj) Nijhawan. Combining his expertise in healthcare and passion for brain science, Raj established LEO with a mission to improve performance and wellbeing in our fast-paced world.

Our Extended Team: Though Dr. Raj is at the helm, LEO thrives on the collective expertise of our extended team. In our journey, we are supported by an extended team of talented consultants encompassing scientists, educators, storytellers, and thought leaders. Each one brings their unique expertise and insights to the table, contributing to the diverse range of perspectives that makes our program so effective.


Our mission is simple: we want to help create work communities that are engaging, effective, and ready to face today's challenges. Through our unique approach, we help participants become more resilient and productive, using evidence-based strategies for success and happiness.

How LEO Works

We focus on bridging the gap between our brain's survival instincts and the complexities of our modern world. Through interactive workshops and engaging activities, we help participants develop emotional resilience and a 'growth' mindset, leading to better mental health and higher work performance.


Your Lower Brain

Your "Old" Brain

  • Emotional suffering

  • Stress damage

  • Disengagement/lost energy

Your Higher Brain

Your "New" Brain

  • Focus

  • Awareness

  • Joy

  • Love

  • Creativity

  • Psychological stability

  • Working memory

  • IQ

  • Self awareness

  • Rate of learning

  • Immune function

  • Connection with others

LEO teaches simple yet powerful “brain hacks” to stop negative patterns and promote resilience and mastery. These Brain Hacks help us to understand, control, and adapt our own brains. Thought-provoking activities reinforce these new neural pathways to achieve rapid transformation. The table below provides some of the brain hacks we teach and how they are organized. 


Need more information?

If you would like additional information about our program including: survey methods, data collection, ROI calculations, training, and anything else - please reach out as we would be happy to answer any questions!

Check out our 15 minute sample workshop video

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